As human crystals, we communicate through the energy of Light, too.

Crystal Energy Work
Classes & Sessions

Physics & Metaphysics of Crystals

Classes on structure and types of crystals and stones, historical and industrial uses, metaphysical properties attributed to crystals and stones, grids and arrays, clearing and programming techniques. Liquid Crystals.

Crystal Resonance Therapy™
Certified Crystal Resonance Therapist

Integrating the resonant fields of energy created by the planet, our hearts and individual energy systems, with the energy of crystals and stones to promote a balanced energy field and to support personal growth.

Primus Activation Healing Technique™

Certified PAHT Teacher

PAHT is a simple way to balance your energy field, to promote relaxation and stress reduction, by using the physical Law of Resonance and your Heart-Centered Intention.  Working with the Human Crystal and natural energy flows, PAHT can promote healthful balance and assist expanded awareness.

             Energy Therapy Sessions and Consultation
Heartfelt thanks to Samaya K Aster (aka Naisha Ahsian)

Vogel Healing Techniques

Marcel Vogel (1917-1991) was an IBM Fellow, credited with inventing the first UV light test for cervical cancer, the red color on our TV, the magnetic coating on IBM's computer hard-drives, Liquid Crystal technology and more.  For the last 7 years of his life, he devoted himself to opening a research laboratory dedicated to service to humanity, especially for healing applications.  It was named Psychic Research Institute (PRI) and the centerpiece of his research was the quartz Vogel Cut Crystal®.  Marcel had proven that the energy of mind has an impact on our reality, including our physical bodies, emotions and mental constructs.  And so he became what he called a "soft scientist" as well as the" hard scientist" of his long successful industrial career.  Through prayer, he was given the design of a uniquely faceted quartz crystal to use as a tool in his work with subtle energies.  He went on to make many astounding discoveries and to share his knowledge and theories in lecture and discussion with audiences from a wide array of disciplines.
Simply put -
A practitioner invokes a field of Divine Love within which to work; and that field is supported by a properly cut and programmed Vogel Crystal.  With breath, intention to serve and awareness, the practitioner then typically facilitates processes such as:
Energy Assessment for Self and Others
Removal of Energy Blocks for Self and Others
Energy Therapy for Self and Others
Energy Balance for Self and Others
Dimensional Healing
Water and Other Fluid Structuring   

With deep gratitude to Marcel Vogel and all who carry on his legacy of Love

The most important aspect of Marcel's work, according to him, was to invoke Divine Love.  Within that energetic envelope, we work to release patterns that no longer serve and to establish patterns that support the Peace, Love and Well-Being of all concerned.

The crystal, through proper cutting and proper intention, helps to cohere and amplify the energy field and the work we do within it.

Marcel envisioned a time when we could do this simply through direct connection with Divine Love and intention.

PHONE/FAX: 914-213-6302



Vogel Cut Self-Healing Crystal 