Support for
Energy Balance,
Stress Reduction, Relaxation, Wellness and Personal Growth

Usui Reiki &
Karuna Reiki®

Reiki Principles/Reiki Gokai:  Just for today-
Let Go of Anger           Be Grateful            Be Kind to All
Let Go of Worry           Work Diligently      Living Things

Usui Reiki

Mikao Usui introduced this Japanese method of energy work to focus and balance universal life force energy.  It has gained wide acceptance in the western world and is offered in wellness practices and hospitals across the U.S.  Reported benefits include stress reduction, pain management, accelerated healing and more.

As a primary support upon his spiritual path, Usui Sensei maintained that he was below the top level of Reiki because there is always room for more personal growth.

With humble gratitude, I share this gift of Love and Light:

Usui Reiki  (Western Style)
Level I  - Origins of Reiki,  the Reiki Ideals, Chakras and Energy System Basics, 4 Attunements to the Reiki energy, Receiving and Giving a Reiki Session.

Level II  - Symbols and their origins and uses, Attunement to Level II Reiki energy, Byosen Scanning, Distant Reiki and
Japanese Reiki Techniques.

Master Practitioner/ART -  Attunement to the Usui Master symbol energy, Master Practitioner techniques.

Master Teacher
- Personal exploration of the Reiki Ideals, Attunement to Usui and Tibetan Master symbol energies, Attunement protocols for Healing attunements, Self Attunements, Student Attunements.  Exercises for centering and intensifying Reiki energy, Reiki crystal grids, expanded exploration of the energy connected to each symbol.                                     

Japanese Usui Reiki

Gendai Reiki Ho and Komyo Reiki Do

Expanded understanding of Reiki roots and personal growth
through the use of Reiki to connect with Divine Love & Grace.

Komyo Reiki Do  - Usui Reiki as taught in the 1930's

Gendai Reiki Ho -  Blend of Usui School & Western Usui Reiki

Karuna Reiki ®

An expanded set of vibrational healing tools for Usui Reiki Masters to use in their work. I am a registered Karuna Reiki Master through the International Center for Reiki Training.
I offer Karuna Reiki sessions and teach the original version of this modality. 

My Reiki Teachers

Usui Reiki
Western Masters:
William Lee Rand
John Harvey Gray
Additional Masters

Japanese Masters:
Hiroshi Doi - Founder of
Gendai Reiki Ho School
Hyakuten Inamoto-
Founder of
Komyo ReikiDo School

Karuna Reiki® Masters
William Lee Rand
Laurelle Shanti Gaia

   Reiki Energy Itself

PHONE/FAX: 914-213-6302